The Rock Hawk effigy and hiking trails are maintained by Georgia Power. The Rock Hawk Trail currently covers 15 miles. It is divided into five sections, identified by color. These sections include: blue, orange, yellow, green, and red.
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Rock Hawk Effigy and Trails Map 1
Rock Hawk Effigy and Trails Map 2
The blue trail is known as the plant trail. Lockery Arboretum identified and marked a number of plant species on the blue trail.
The trails provide visitors with many activities such as bird watching, hiking, and biking. Along the trail are educational displays. Historical displays dating from 12,000 years ago to the present are on the left. Wildlife displays are on the right.
Kiosks are located at each entrance of the trail. There are two parking lots – one at the entrance to the blue trail and one at the orange trail entrance. Trail maps can be obtained at these locations.